Celebrating the joy of friendship: Friendsgiving in Sunnyvale, CA


We all know that Thanksgiving is a holiday to spend time with family, and many Americans travel long distances to reconnect with their extended relatives. But is it possible to also share the joy of the season with all the friends we are grateful to have in our lives? Yes! That is how the tradition of Friendsgiving was born ten years ago. Typically held the weekend before Thanksgiving, it is a wonderful opportunity for friends to share love and gratitude over a delicious potluck feast.  

This Thanksgiving season, the WFWP chapter in Sunnyvale, California thought to celebrate the holiday together with friends in the community before each one gathered with their own families and relatives. So on Sunday November 24th, 2019, Marie Bond opened her home to her neighbors and friends and invited them for a potluck to start the season together and to wish everyone God’s love and blessings.


Seven ladies gathered around Marie’s table representing six different nationalities: Greek, German, Persian, Mexican, Chinese and Lebanese. It was truly a diverse gathering of friends! They started with a prayer and beside the traditional food, they shared heartfelt stories about their own celebrations in their native countries.

The bonding of sisterhood was felt deeply between the neighbors and before everyone left, they promised to get together again.

Living with the logic of love has always been the motivation for Marie to reach out to her neighbors and gather them to celebrate friendships that last for a lifetime.

As the world is in desperate need for unity and peace, each one of us can apply it in our daily life by living for the sake of each other, serving the community, building strong families and sacrificing for the common good. Peace starts with me.


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