From Fear to Trust—Leadership of the Heart Seminar Part III: WFWF Northern California

Northern California WFWP held its third and final zoom event of the Leadership of the Heart Curriculum on Saturday, July 31, 2021. Sixteen women participated in the hour event. After a brief overview by Myrna Lapres of the past two sessions which included understanding our self-worth and connecting to our spiritual gifts and talents, co-presenters Ms. Eri Combs and Ms. Gabriela von Euw guided us through the topic, "Emotional Maturity--Changing My Perspective." 

Based on the premise that we have to be healthy emotionally in order to be able to bring peace in our lives and those of others, Eri Combs began by talking about the fears that block us and take away our power to do good. Quoting Aristotle who said, "Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom," Eri shared about her own personal experience in managing her baking business. She said that she had to realize how to adjust her plan and expectations in order to be successful without getting overwhelmed and too stressed. 

Eri also referred to a story from Steven Covey's book "7 Habits of Highly Effective People." In this story a passenger is annoyed by being near a rowdy, out of control group of children. His perspective changes to compassion after learning that the children’s mother had recently passed. Becoming a more emotionally mature person means that we seek to understand the big picture before jumping to our own conclusions; then a big paradigm shift can occur!

Gabriela Von Euw led us in some activities to identify what our personal fears are and how we can overcome them.  She said that many fears are connected with our past experiences and our emotions. Some examples she gave are: fear of rejection, failure, change, getting hurt or being judged. After journaling about a fear we recognize is present in our lives and how it is affecting us; we explored what it would look like to be more open and trusting. Gabriela shared that living from a place of trust allows us to be more authentic and free in our relationships. We then had a pair share where each person shared her personal fears and how she wants to challenge them. Most shared that they found this opportunity to share with another person both inspiring and meaningful.

The event was closed with a reading by our founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon: 

“The world of peace is not initially accomplished on the global or even national level. Peace must first be realized in the individual and in the family because these form the basis for all human organizations and systems. Core issues of world peace essentially depend on the question of how peace can be attained within the individual and the family.”

To watch the event click here.

To find out more about leadership of the heart click here. 

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