Positive Self-Talk: Open up your Mind for Success and Happiness

On April 9, 2022, Myrna Lapres welcomed everyone to the April webinar in the series “Self-Care Isn’t Selfish—Heal Ourselves, Our Families and the World.” We began this session with a beautiful loving-kindness self-care meditation. Then all the participants introduced themselves and shared why they were attracted to this presentation. 

Hanka Musilova during the webinar

Our presenter, Hanka Musilova from the Czech Republic shared on the topic: A Word Can Save or Destroy—about how our thoughts influence our emotions which influence our actions. The mother of seven beautiful children, Hanka is a certified Emotion Code and Body Code practitioner through Dr. Bradley Nelson. She also uses Original Energy Code, working with spiritual inherited energy, developed by Kurt Sattlberger from Austria, in her sessions. 

slide from the presentation

Hanka shared about the power of words to save or destroy. The Bible begins with “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”  Children are particularly sensitive to the energy of our words. We also need to be aware of how we talk to ourselves. Our thoughts affect our emotions which affect our actions. Each affects the other as we make decisions based on our thoughts and emotions. We are continually creating stories, making decisions, and creating our lives based on these thoughts and beliefs. We are story creators and tellers. Some of the stories we tell ourselves are not even true, but based on beliefs we picked up in childhood, our perceptions, or even the stories of our ancestry. Sometimes our emotions can get stuck and need to be released. In her work, Emotion Code, she helps clients release these trapped emotions.  Beliefs have the power to create or to destroy—they affect how we feel in our lives and inside us. We are creating ourselves through the stories we tell ourselves.

Where do our beliefs come from? How does our soul grow and develop? Some of our beliefs are inherited from our ancestry (usually unconscious). Up to seven years of age we are like sponges and absorb what we are told and perceive in our families and environment. We make conclusions and take it as fact, thus creating beliefs. We take these stories with us into adulthood (some consciously, some unconsciously). Some of our beliefs are very unhelpful, such as “I’m stupid; I’m not good enough; I’m not worthy of love.”  These beliefs can block our success and happiness.

Hanka offered tools to create new habits to counter the negative thoughts and beliefs and emotions:

  1. Start out the day with gratitude, meditation, walking in nature, breathing.

  2. Finish the day with gratitude and positive thoughts. How we end the day affects how we feel the next day.

  3. Instead of giving ourselves negative feedback—give encouraging words and support.

  4. Where you focus, energy follows. Focus on the positivity of what you can do, rather than what you do not have influence over.

  5. Feed yourself healthy foods—heavy foods require a great deal of digestive energy. Feed your mind positivity.

  6. Talk to yourself in a positive way—tell yourself “I am amazing, I am great, I am beautiful, I am happy, I am intelligent, I can handle anything…

Mirror Exercise:

Look into a mirror and tell yourself: “I love you, I accept you, I forgive you.” If this is too challenging, you can say “I’m learning to love myself, I’m learning to accept myself, I’m learning to forgive myself.” When you learn to love and appreciate yourself, then you can truly love and appreciate others.

In conclusion, Hanka shared an amazing video about the work of Dr. Emoto, a Japanese scientist. You can view it here. He took photos of how certain words and thoughts affect the shape of water molecules. Words such as love, thank you, harmony produce beautifully shaped crystal forms. Words such as hate, evil, and Hitler produced distorted, ugly shapes. 

Since our bodies are 80% water, he concluded; “by thinking, speaking and acting with the intention of peace towards water, water can and will bring peace, to our bodies and to the world.” Hanka gave an example of how when she is harmonious within, she is more able to calm her children and help them solve problems.

The 21 participants in the webinar had many questions for Hanka and were impressed with her knowledge and simple tools that she offered. If you missed the webinar and would like to watch the recording here,  Join us for our May 14th webinar at 1 pm PT/4 pm ET by registering here. The topic is: Reclaiming Health and Wholeness—Healing the Inner Child. See the flier for more information.

Participants during the seminar


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