Schools of Africa Benefit Yard Sale in Maryland

Editor’s Note: There are many ways to get together with your local WFWP members and raise money for the Schools of Africa Project. Below is a report from WFWP Maryland. They gathered donated, used items and put on a yard sale. What can you or your local community do to raise funds for the Schools of Africa Project?

WFWP Maryland organized a fundraiser for the Schools of Africa Project on September 4 and 26. It all started with a phone call from a WFWP friend, who wanted to donate her items from her daycare she was closing to our yearly yard sale. That got us motivated to kickstart this year's benefit. Two WFWP members offered to help me and we had our core group.  We got the word out to our friends in the community and then drove around collecting and picking up more donations for the yard sale.

We set up on a sunny day and put our WFWP banners up and flyers out. A few customers were very generous toward our cause. Out of their own hearts they gave more than we asked. Some of the people that come out shared their personal stories with us. The last customer bought two pictures we were hoping to sell by the end of the day. Working together and connecting to the people who came by was a rewarding experience.

WFWP member, Marianne, said it was wonderful to do something together as sisters to help schools in Africa.  I am so grateful to all who donated. We raised $562. It was hard work, but we were so happy we could offer our energy to help others. Big thanks to our volunteers at the table: Emiko Butler, Marianne and Matt Goldberg, Tobi Rissanen and Mariko Sheffrin.


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