
Elizabeth Inganamort (Falcons Guard): It made me cry also I cried on stage. Because of the gifts of God. We celebrated Falcons' vision and my love for the homeless. Finally, Women's

Federation for World Peace has reached Latinas. We need unity and unity more than ever. Thank you all. I'm honored to be part of and continue with the mission...

Aimmee Kodachian: It was a blessing to be surrounded with wonderful and amazing people who want to Rise Above and make a difference in the world. Thank you so much to Rhia and to the WFWP team for putting on an amazing event

Fairyness Love Manatees [one of the vendors]: It was an absolute honor to be graced by the presence of so many beautiful, strong, loving, world changers. It is amazing to witness WFWP giving a voice to women of all cultures filled with so many talents and contribution to the community worldwide. "She is clothed with strength and dignity, and she laughs without fear of the future.” — Proverbs 31:25 Thank you WFWP for allowing me to take part in a magical day. Thank you

Minnie De Gracia Acero: My feedback is that the WFWP event was beautifully executed. You did a great job Rhia Luz and the whole team! The venue was beautiful, the food was delectable, and the presentations were superb! I don't think there was an empty seat in the house! Nothing but love was in that room yesterday! Thank you for your dedication to everything that you do Rhia... but most importantly, thank you for being a great friend!

Farhana Shifa: It was a wonderful initiative with so much promise ...Of course good news for AZ . The awardee selections were awesome, versatile and global projection of women. The community support behind this event were well credited and phenomenal. It takes many hands to build a major milestone. Your leadership and team work did it. Congratulations. Looking forward to see this initiative growing and bringing many women together.

Sera Hirano: Great event and great coverage before, during and after!! Really wonderful, Rhia! I'm so proud to be your WFWP sister!!! Arizona is a hot place so it is a good place to IGNITE a culture of heart, right???

Gloria Laurent: At your event, WFWP Arizona, I was challenged inside of me, not in a bad way ..But it had a very good effect on me


