Global Women’s Peace Network

The world of the future can be a world of reconciliation and peace, but only if it is based on the maternal love and affection of women. This is the true power of womanhood.
— Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, Founder, WFWP

Join a network of hundreds of like-minded women peacebuilders

The Global Women's Peace Network (GWPN) brings together leaders, organizations and governments to solve pressing social issues and secure an environment for equitable human development, centering on WFWP’s peace philosophy. Through peace leadership based on the feminine aspect of human nature, GWPN seeks to ensure lasting peace and prosperity for generations to come.

We believe the woman’s touch is the missing piece in peacebuilding

  1. Peacemakers must have a global perspective and become people who live for the sake of others

  2. Peacebuilding requires not only structural elements, but also human agency and the application of “true love”

  3. Our greatest potential for peacemaking comes from our capacity to embrace all peoples and circumstances with the heart of a parent (and especially that of a Mother)

Together we aim to transform our communities from the inside-out througH:

Reconciliation and Conflict Transformation

Celebrating Women Peacemakers

Women’s Empowerment & Education

Service & Humanitarian Initiatives

Get In Touch with us Today

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