Finding Humanity in Times of Distress

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On March 27, 2021, Jennifer Jordan met with the WFWP Hackensack, New Jersey chapter via zoom to share about how she serves her community during this pandemic. Jennifer Jordan is an award-winning author, filmmaker, and screenwriter.

Jennifer shared about her current job as Covid-19 contact tracer in Salt Lake City, Utah. Jennifer explained that she loved the job as she greets each car and makes sure they have their papers ready to get their shot from their car or walk-in-center. Jennifer says “We are all social animals and we are a community. We need one another.” She can see the fear and anguish in people’s eyes as they pull up in their cars. She tries to make a mini relationship with them to encourage them. 

Utah has luckily seen a decline in Covid cases but the rise of three new variants which is troubling. She appreciates her meetings at work where they learn the latest news from the CDC. Jennifer is honored to serve her community in this way. It was inspiring and to see other like-minded women doing the best they can during difficult times.


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