A Secret Place Ministries


A Secret Place Ministries, centered in Illinois, is focused on the deliverance, healing and restoration from the effects of all types of abuse, low self-esteem, post-abortion, marriage problems or divorce, addictions, homelessness, prostitution and more. All so each woman can be the best person they can be and fulfill their God given purpose, through recognizing they are ROYALTY- THAT THERE IS A QUEEN WITHIN THEM.

A Secret Place Women’s Ministry (ASPWM), holds small group meetings, and invites women to attend, who may not attend a traditional church. The goal is to reach those women outside of the church walls- to heal the broken, transform them, and equip them to do the work for God’s Kingdom.

Meet the Founder & Pastor


A Secret Place Ministries Pastor, Rev. Dr. Mabel Meadors is a Licensed and Ordained Minister, since 2006. She holds a Bachelors’ of Science in Biology from University of Illinois- Chicago, A Masters of Public Administration- with Distinction from Keller Graduate School of Management. She has attended Glad Tidings Bible College Seminary and attended Liberty Theological School of Divinity with coursework for a Master of Divinity with a Cognate in Pastoral Counseling.  She holds an Honorary Doctorate of Theology from Chicago Baptist Theological Institute.  She has held Ministry positions of Youth Minister, Associate Minister and Assistant Pastor at Glad Tidings Word Fellowship Ministries in St. Louis, Missouri and has been a Co-Founder of Let’s Talk About…Sex Abstinence Education Ministry.  With this Ministry she has spoken to over 4000 youth throughout the Western Suburbs of Chicago and St. Louis, MO.

She has embarked on her life’s calling to work with women of all ages, from teens to seniors. She also works with local Churches Women’s Ministries to conduct Retreats, Seminars and Conferences.



Facebook Page: @secretplaceministries

Email: asecretplaceministries@gmail.com

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