What makes us different
is a result of the impact
of the life & vision of our founder, Mother Moon

Founder of WFWP
WFWP USA was founded by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, affectionately referred to as “Mother Moon”, and her late husband, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon in 1992.
Mother Moon's peace philosophy stands as a beacon of hope in the realm of peacebuilding, and is rooted in the belief that sustainable peace can only be achieved when we recognize the common thread that binds humanity. Encouraging us to rise above divisions and prejudices, her peace philosophy teaches us that true peace first arises from the heart and then radiates outward to create a global tapestry where conflict and violence can find no place.
Having escaped North Korea during the Korean War as a young child, Mother Moon developed a deep concern for the suffering of the world. She has sought the path of forgiveness among enemies and reconciliation between peoples in conflict. As a champion for the essential role of women in the family and society, her life’s work is a shining example of the power of women’s leadership.
Her peacebuilding work includes unprecedented meetings with Kim Il Sung and Mikhail Gorbachev in the early 90s, interreligious peace initiatives in the early 2000’s and now has expanded into an international network of leaders from every sphere including heads of state, parliamentarians, business leaders, media professionals, clergy and academicians. Such efforts and impact have earned her the title “Mother of Peace.”

“I launched the Women’s Federation for World Peace as a movement to awaken women to their true value and help them embrace men and develop themselves in partnership with men.”
A Memoir by Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
“For the first time, I am opening up a window into my life. I do so with the hope that the story of this life, lived in accordance with God’s love, will inspire in others the same mission, passion, devotion and dream.”
In this moving memoir, Dr. Moon shares deeply poignant memories of her life from growing up in an idyllic village in what is now North Korea, being plucked from her home as a child to flee the devastation of the Korean War, her budding determination to devote her life to God and wipe away pain in the hearts of all people, and working tirelessly beside her late husband, Rev. Sun Myung Moon, to found and lead a multitude of peace initiatives including WFWP.