Coach Myrna

Enriching Your Relationships:
Making life, marriage, and parenting work!

Meet Coach Myrna


Myrna Lapres has been a teacher, administrator and educator for over 25 years but her passion is working with individuals and families--to strengthen their relationships through learning how to communicate, find authentic love for themselves and explore ways to heal.


Certified as a Family & Relationship Coach through Generational Healing as well as a certified Love and Logic trainer, and strongly influenced by the principles of Real Love, Ms. Lapres is an experienced educator and coach who is passionate about supporting individuals and parents in finding joy in their relationships. In her newly released book "7 Gifts to Give Your Child--Parenting That Will Touch Their Future", she shares wisdom, tools and resources that support raising your children.

"Through virtual webinars and coaching sessions, I give individuals and parents tools and support to discover the love and abilities that lie within. I believe that being a parent and a grandparent allows us to re-parent ourselves as we grow in our ability to give and receive genuine, unconditional love. Connection in a relationship is key. Modeling the things that we want others to inherit is the best way to teach. As parents, friends, and educators, learning to use empathetic phrases and guiding questions avoids arguments that shut down relationships and shares the thinking with others. Giving choices shares the control and allows children to make better decisions and mistakes are learning opportunities. All this helps us to raise resilient, successful, happy individuals. "

7 gifts to give your Child


Parenting isn’t simply learning the right techniques or words of wisdom—we guide our children through our relationship with them. Whether your child is two, twelve or twenty-two, 7 Gifts to Give Your Child—Parenting That Will Touch Their Future, provides you with steps to strengthen that relationship.

  • Discover how to cultivate a place of belonging and connection in your home.

  • Learn the power of the family meeting and how chores become contributions to the family and foster responsibility.

  • Create opportunities for instilling wisdom and resilience in your child that will serve them now and through their whole life.

  • Help them find the joy of accountability and give them the gift of experiences that support their self-efficacy.

  • Becoming a parent is an opportunity to be awakened to the areas in our own life that need our attention. Learn how to re-parent yourself so you can fully enjoy life, be present to your child and be the best parent you can be!

Experienced educator and family & relationship coach Myrna Lapres brings her wisdom and experience together with proven, practical methods of loving and guiding your child. She believes that more than any other relationship, parenting calls us to find our best selves. And through the process, we discover our own healing and joy!


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Coach Myrna

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