Cornerstone for peace

The Cornerstone for Peace seminar is a transformational seminar from WFWP USA especially designed to help married couples find a new vision for marriage and family and start a journey to strengthen or restore true love in their own lives and relationships.


According to the American Psychological Association, “Healthy marriages are good for couples’ mental and physical health. They are also good for children; growing up in a happy home protects children from mental, physical, educational and social problems.” However, we see many challenges to creating happy and healthy families all around us. There are rising rates of divorce, increase in domestic violence, unhealthy relationships between family members, not enough healthy role models for children, a profound loneliness among individuals, and the oversexualization of our culture - to name a few.

At WFWP, we believe it is in the family where we are all meant to grow and learn about love: learning that I am loved and valued, learning how to respect and care for others, learning about commitment and fidelity, and learning to give and receive unconditional love. Building peaceful families is the key to building peaceful communities, nations, and world. The question is, “How?”


In this seminar, we introduce a profound vision for marriage and family which comes from the life work and peace philosophy of WFWP’s Founders, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon. The purpose of this seminar is to awaken a new sense of the importance of marriage and family and to start to improve our own marriages and families immediately. Or if you are not yet married, prepare yourself for that future. At the heart is the Interfaith Marriage Blessing, a worldwide tradition where couples dedicate, or re-dedicate, their marriage to a greater purpose and God. To get a peek at what the Marriage Blessing is about CLICK HERE.

We invite all currently married couples, couples thinking of marriage, and single women and men to this seminar to learn how we can each create a new pattern of love in our most important relationships. Join us in a movement to revive or enhance love within your couple and family and create a culture of peace through ideal families.


Session overview

Session 1: A Movement to Uplift Marriage & Family - takes a look at issues faced in society today, a new vision for marriage and family based on the life work of Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, and her husband, Rev. Dr. Sun Myung Moon, and some fundamental principles for building true love relationships

Session 2: Our Purpose & Human Responsibility - discussing our purpose of life connected to our Creator and our families and how self-centered love damages our marriages and families

Session 4: Journey to Restore True Love - finding hope for refreshing, rebuilding and elevating marriage relationships in a real and transformative way through the Interfaith Marriage Blessing movement and process to substantially restore true love

If you’re interested in hosting or attending a Cornerstone for Peace Seminar, please email us at