Cornerstone for happiness
Marriage & Family Seminar
Challenges we are faced with making it difficult to create healthy marriages and families
What we can do to repair, nurture and grow essential family ties
A unique take on marriage, considering how it can be an active spiritual practice
How to form new, loving and healing ways to communicate and deepen the relationships that matter the most
In this interactive seminar explore:
If you are interested in hosting or attending a seminar, please email us at info@wfwp.us.
The Cornerstone for Happiness: Marriage and Family Seminar is a one-day interactive workshop developed by WFWP USA that is meant to empower both women and men of all ages to improve their family and marriage relationships based on the unique undergirding philosophy of living for the sake of others and living by the logic of love. The Cornerstone for Happiness curriculum has motivated and inspired many to take a new look at investing in their marriage and family.
This curriculum illustrates the importance of building healthy marriages and families, both for ourselves and for our society. It also addresses the inherent challenges we are faced with that make it hard to accomplish the goals of a healthy marriage and family. Whether you have been married for 5 months of fifty years, marriage is a lifelong commitment and investment that requires continuous learning. As such, this curriculum is a tool to facilitate that learning process by first and foremost teaching how to lead by example within your family.
We believe that world peace begins within an individual, that the family is meant to be the school of love, and that parents are meant to be the primary educators of the heart for their children. This means that the strength and success of a family depends on the strength and success of a marriage. We believe that marriage matters!
session overview
Session 1: Where Are We At? - establishing the current culture and its effects on marriage and family relationships.
Session 2: What Can We Do? - focusing on what we can do to repair, nurture and grow essential family ties.
Session 3: A New Way of Looking at Marriage - exploring a unique take on marriage, considering how it can be an active spiritual practice.
Session 4: Can You Hear Me Now?* - delving into communication habits and how to form new, loving and healing ways to communicate and deepen relationships.
The Cornerstone for Happiness curriculum is adaptable to any audience and presenter style, and it includes a worksheet, group sharings, and more.