Leadership of the heart
Your connection to the divine. Connect to your calling from within and how to contribute your unique gifts and talents as a woman to build peace.
A strong sense of self-worth. Plug in to knowing who you are and your intrinsic value as a daughter of the divine and start to heal feelings of low self-worth.
Leading with emotional maturity. Delve into emotional blocks and gain essential tools to overcome fear and build faith.
In the Leadership of the Heart Seminar explore…
The Leadership of the Heart (LOH) curriculum is a one-day educational and interactive programs, which are designed to bring out the powerful leader that is within each person and to offer tools to make peace a reality within each person’s lives, families, communities, nations and the world.
WFWP believes that peace starts with me - how can I make positive change in this world? In my neighborhood? In my family? Within myself? Becoming a leader of the heart really starts with knowing and loving oneself from a higher perspective and serving others from a parental or maternal standpoint.
Unique to WFWP is that we also believe there are intrinsic differences in feminine and masculine leadership styles, and that feminine and masculine styles are not meant to compete with each other, but to join strengths for the most effective leadership conducive to peace. We especially wish to bring forward the feminine relational aspect that brings people together and acts as a checks and balance to today's one sided leadership structure.
We want to share this life-changing material with you so that whoever receives it can succeed in and enhance their endeavors and areas of leadership. This curriculum is great for those who want to discover and hone in on the motherly or feminine style of leadership, which has not yet been explored in mainstream society - until today.
This seminar helped me to connect with my inner heart. In the busyness of daily life, it’s difficult to find time to really care for yourself and reconnect with your heart. As a leader, this seminar gave me an opportunity and many ideas on things that I can do to reconnect with my heart and to be a healthier individual. By doing these things, I realized that it is not selfish but rather necessary to be the best person I can be for others and for God. I’m so grateful I chose to attend!
Melissa, Maryland
It was my first time to attend this meeting and it was so great to be here. I talked about my family issues right after the meditation and it was really good to have someone to share with. It was my first time to share my thoughts and feelings with someone whom I had just met! I could open my heart to her. It was a really great meeting.
Anonymous, California
I really appreciated this beautiful seminar. I’m going through a difficult time in my inner-self and my relationships with family and friends. The topic really hit the point: self-esteem, and feel my value.
Anonymous, New York
The seminar was inspiring, uplifting and interactive. There were so many areas of the seminar that moved me, such as the meditation component. For a few minutes, I could go deeper within and connect to the divine, higher self and find peace. The presenters gave us the opportunity to understand more about the Leadership of the Heart and our own inner spirituality; that we are already divine beings, the feminine aspect of God.
Elizabeth, DC
The seminar was especially relevant to our time, because it dealt with our emotional maturity. It noted how we can overcome our reactions based on just feelings. The presenters used personal examples on how they as mothers and women in leadership model mature responses to difficult situations. It was great to be challenged on our own situations and practice those higher orders of response.
Matthew, Maryland
We can work through our fear in different ways - journaling and meditation among some of them - but most importantly we need to become self-aware and to choose to work through our negative emotions. At one point in the seminar, we were encouraged to make affirmations that we could work towards. I found my affirmation to work on the possibility to trust myself to be very empowering for me personally.
Zena, Virginia