


Since 2014, upon request from the Ethiopian government, WFWP Japanese volunteers started a literacy class for women in Woreda District 8 of Addis Ababa. The literacy rate among women in Ethiopia is 44% and many women work as day laborers, earning enough for one or two meals a day. In one year, students learn basic knowledge of Amharic, basic arithmetic, basic English, family planning, childcare and business management. The impact of this program reflects in the heartwarming testimonies given by the women. Since 2016, both men and women attend.

Women attending the literacy classes twice a week come to learn in between their other responsibilities. Some families are starting to get out poverty thanks to the classes they take at One Hope and are able to send their children to university. In 2020, the classes were temporarily suspended due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Classes resumed in 2022.

Recently the school received high honors from the government. In September 2023, the Finance Department of Gulele Sub-City, where the “One Hope Garden” is located, and in October 2023, the Women and Children’s Affairs Department of this sub-city announced that the project is being carried out with clear, modern, well-organized management and is an effective project. WFWP Ethiopia received certificates of commendation from these 2 departments.


  • In order to get a stable job with a steady salary, being able to read and write Amharic is a must. ever since attending literacy classes, i became able to write my name, read some words, and do some calculations such as addition. I'm really grateful for all the knowledge I gained.

    Yeshi (Student at One Hope)

  • Thanks to participating in literacy classes, now I am able to take the bus by myself. Reading the Bible is now available to me.

    Student at One Hope

  • My students are very talented, it's great to see them learn to be the heads of the family. I would like to say that what the organization is doing is good. Thank you so much.

    Ms. Wagaye Shimels (Teacher at One Hope)