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WFWP Georgia Chapter hosts Safe Conversations New Webinar Series

Safe Conversations®

5-Session Webinar Series

Every other Saturday - Starting July 25, 4:00 - 6:00 pm EST

Aug 8 & 22, Sept 5 & 12, 2020

Join as an individual, with friends or family members.
Recordings available if you miss a session.

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Talking is the most dangerous thing we do and
Listening the most infrequent.

Learn a new way of talking and a new way of listening where true connection happens and we can finally communicate!

In a Safe Conversation® we experience the presence of another person who "gets" what we are really saying.

The 3-step dialogue process empowers you to:

Talk without criticism
Listen without judgment 
And connect beyond differences

Organized by WFWP Members
For more info and to register:  

For more info about Safe Conversations:

July 4

Register for the 'Dignity of Woman and the Culture of Peace' Webinar Series

July 26

WFWP Westchester Chapter sponsors "Learn the secrets of great story telling" presented by Debby Gullery