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Second Annual "Color My Heart With Peace" Art Contest for Children

WFWP International is proud to host the second annual “Color My Heart With Peace” art contest for children! The focus of this year’s contest is to express hope for the peaceful reunification of the Korean peninsula, through the power of art.  

It has been 70 years since the outbreak of the Korean War, and North and South Korea are still divided to this day. Alongside cultivating artistic talents and self-expression, this project raises awareness about the separation of the two Koreas, and encourages our youth to aspire to become peacemakers. 

Forty-four of the highest rated submissions internationally will receive a prize or acknowledgement, ranging from iPads and Apple watches to art supply sets and achievement awards.

For more on submission details, age requirements, and prizes visit:

Follow the contest’s Facebook page:

May 12

Young Moms: Protecting Minds and Hearts

May 26

Tea with Intention