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Participate in a BTS Video Performance Activity

  • Women's Federation for World Peace USA 481 8th Ave. Suite 1228 New York, NY 10001 United States (map)

Participate in a BTS Video Performance Activity & Fundraiser

WFWP International will be having a General Assembly on September 11th and 18th. On this occasion they will be providing a platform for people around the world to unite through one selected song - BTS’s “Permission to Dance.”

For this project, talented people of any age from all over the world are invited to send home-recorded videos with energetic performances to counter the negativity from the COVID-19 pandemic! You can submit any kind of performance from singing, dancing, sports skills, to entertainment.

All videos will be combined into a global performance, and shared during the WFWP International General Assembly. We will also upload the video to the official WFWP International website and SNS account to collect donations to support families around the world who are suffering from the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Below you will find the content of the submission and guidelines for recording. If you have any questions about the submission process or content, please feel free to contact us via email at

DEADLINE: Please record your talent, send us the video by September 4, 2021.

SUBMISSION PROCESS: Send the video file with performance to email Do not forget to indicate your full name, the name of your group if applicable, and your country of residence.

PROPERTY RIGHTS: Each submitted video recording will be under the proprietary rights of the WFWP International Headquarters

August 28

Interfaith Women's Prayer Circle for Peace and Healing America

September 11

2021 WFWP International General Assembly