10 Women Honored in Arizona


On October 8, 2016 the WFWP Arizona Chapter held a Bridge of Peace ceremony and honored ten outstanding women through the HerStory Award at the Chandler downtown library.

Beauty Queen Miss Earth Arizona - Water 2015, Rebecca Jo Acero, received an award together with her mother Minnie De Gracia Acero for their outstanding community service to the homeless population living in Phoenix. Ms. Acero suffered her first grand mal seizure at the age of 12. She suffers from epilepsy but wanted the audience to know, "I have epilepsy; epilepsy does not have me."

"Epilepsy further fueled my passion for humanitarian work." She created "Rebecca's July 4th Hydration for the Homeless Project," which gives 600 bottles of water, 300 care packages, and numerous peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to the homeless.

Award winner Farhana Shifa Ahmed owns an art school for children and adults. Ms. Ahmed is a Bangladeshi community leader in the Phoenix area and stated, "Take the leadership that is hiding inside of you and inspire others around you to become a leader." The HerStory Award ceremony inspired all who attended to demonstrate positive leadership traits in their local communities by helping those in need.

These are the awardees and the reason for their award:

  1. Elenita Forti & Trina Forti: Mother and Daughter Outstanding Volunteer Service

  2. Alma Morales and Jesse Armenta: Outstanding Musical Ambassador and Performance

  3. Maribel Concordo Dillard: Outstanding Community Leader and Humanitarian

  4. Haidee Liza Zmerzlikar: Outstanding Community Leader

  5. Keiko Conn: Outstanding Community Leader

  6. Farhana Shifa: Outstanding Community Leader

  7. Minnie Acero & Rebecca Acero: Mother/ Daughter Outstanding Volunteer Service

  8. Grace Espiritu Dising & Asia E. Dising: Mother/ Daughter Outstanding Volunteer Service

  9. Jameela Sadiq:- Mother of the Year

  10. Nasheilli Vidrio: Outstanding Community Leader


Patricia Ann Lofton


Valencia Mohammed