Vicki Latham


“I want nothing more than God’s perfect will in my life.”

Wearing her entrepreneurial hat, she embarked on a journey that began with establishing her first dance and ballet school at the remarkable age of 14. Over the years, she ventured into diverse networking companies, marketing an array of products ranging from skincare and detoxification items to nutritional supplements, pharmacogenetic testing, microvascular enhancement therapy, medicinal mushroom products, and cardiovascular solutions. All these ventures fell under the umbrella of the Toxinclear Health Network, LLC. In 2021, she added a unique touch to her business endeavors by purchasing a vacation rental home in Costa Rica, dedicated to rewarding her various distributors with unforgettable trips. This April, she is set to host her inaugural week-long "Spirit, Health, and Peace" retreat at this tranquil Costa Rican getaway.

Switching to her healthcare provider hat, she showcased her altruistic side through medical mission trips to Mexico, Guatemala, and Uganda. Her friendship with a remarkable young man in Uganda evolved into the establishment of a comprehensive medical clinic in Entebbe, offering services ranging from diagnosing and treating common conditions to prenatal care and women's health exams. As a soloist with the Oklahoma Civic Ballet, she began her artistic journey at the age of 15 and later transitioned into performing in summer stock musicals. Her dedication and talent were recognized during her stint as Miss ElReno in the Miss America competition, where she earned the "most talented" award and scholarship at the Miss Oklahoma pageant.

Throughout her journey, she accumulated numerous accolades, including the "Caring Heart" award for founding a Diabetes free clinic in Stillwater and winning the same award later as a faculty/staff member. Her achievements extended to the entrepreneurial realm, where she earned the prestigious "Star Director" recognition at Touchstone Essentials, an international marketing company. She consistently achieved high rankings in six network marketing companies, creating formidable marketing teams with as many as 850 distributors. Her life mantra echoes the lyrics of the song "Waiting," expressing her profound desire for nothing more than God's perfect will in her life.


Jane Califf


Lou Anne McKeefery