Chief Mary Murdock Meyer

Chief Executive of the Timpanogos Nation.

In her role within the Timpanogos Nation, she serves as a voice for her people, advocating for their rights and recognition. She conducts extensive research into the history of the Timpanogos people, documenting the injustices they have faced and the ongoing struggles they endure. This involves delving into archival records, conducting interviews with elders, and preserving cultural heritage.

Furthermore, as the Chief Executive, she leads efforts to address the challenges stemming from historical trauma and systemic discrimination. She collaborates with community members, government agencies, and advocacy groups to advance the interests of the Timpanogos Nation. This includes engaging in legal battles to secure land rights, protect sacred sites, and promote cultural preservation.

Her role also encompasses community outreach and education, seeking to raise awareness about the Timpanogos people's rich heritage and contemporary issues. Through initiatives such as the Timpanogos Project and various outreach programs, she strives to build bridges of understanding and reconciliation with surrounding communities.

Overall, her leadership within the Timpanogos Nation is marked by resilience, determination, and a steadfast commitment to seeking justice and empowerment for her people in the face of historical and ongoing adversity.

More about the Nation here: and



Elder Belva Watson


Laura Lopez