Cathleen Trigg-Jones


Cathleen Trigg-Jones was awarded the HerStory Award at the National HerStory Award Ceremony of the Global Women's Peace Network on May 21, 2022, for her commitment to uplifting and motivating thousands of women and bringing a heart of compassion into the media. We applaud her service to provide care and support for girls in the foster care system and young women in disadvantaged situations, based on her journey of overcoming unimaginable challenges.

Cathleen Trigg-Jones is a social entrepreneur and executive with a background in journalism,media production, public relations and marketing. She has created and leads three independentmedia companies: iWomanTV, the first mass-market over-the-top streaming news andentertainment network created by women and about women; Catscape Productions, an award-winning multimedia production company; and Trigg Global Media, a strategic marketing, crisiscommunications, and business consulting practice for global CEOs and Fortune 500 companies.

Cathleen began her career working as a news reporter for WBOC-TV before being tapped by thenUnited State’s Senator Joseph R. Biden, Jr. to be the Press Assistant in his Delaware Senate Office.After returning to television, she worked her way up through the ranks of several news markets,eventually landing her dream job in New York City where she was quickly recognized for herquality journalism, winning an Emmy Award while reporting and anchoring the WWOR and WNYWnews broadcasts. Since that time, Cathleen has produced hundreds of projects and co-starred inmore than two dozen TV shows and films, including Power, Madam Secretary, House of Cards,Homeland, and the Tupac Shakur biopic, All Eyes On Me. She is the Executive Producer and Hostof the iWoman Report on iWoman TV, and the talk show Chic Chat on iOne Digital. She is also thecreator and co-star of the hit docu-series We Are The Joneses, which aired on Discovery Life andBET Centric.

From the start, Cathleen has been grounded by her core values of integrity, clarity, compassion,and drive. In addition to her Emmy Award, she has been honored with the Black Women In MediaAward, A Child’s Hero Award by CASA of Essex, NJ, and the BMW Women of Excellence Award andhas been nominated for the Women’s Image Network Award.

In 2006, Cathleen created Trigg House, a nonprofit, direct-service organization to offer fosterchildren who are about to become emancipated from the state foster care system the resourcesneeded to help them make a smooth transition into the real world and independent living. Trigg-Jones experienced the foster care system as a child and saw a deep and growing need forenergetic, nonprofit work in this area that provides sensible solutions. She is a NY State CourtAppointed Special Advocate for Foster Children and serves on the Boards of Operation Keloid,the Columbia University Double Discovery Center, and the Black Entrepreneur Initiative.

Cathleen is a dynamic executive with demonstrated success building and leading complexprojects and organizations. Her businesses are certified by the NY/NJ Minority SupplierDevelopment Council and operate as Minority Women Business Enterprises. She received her BAin Journalism from Delaware State University.


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