Sharon Lund


Sharon Lund was awarded the HerStory Award at the National HerStory Award Ceremony of the Global Women's Peace Network on May 21, 2022, for her exemplary work to dispel the stigmas surrounding challenges of HIV/AIDS, and support, heal, and uplift others, based on her journey of overcoming unimaginable challenges. We applaud her service to women, children, families, and the community filled with love and compassion.

Sharon Lund has danced with life and death throughout her life. She is a fearless pioneer, worldwide educator and advocate, a spiritual counselor, and a Metaphysical minister. She has worked and volunteered for decades around HIV/AIDS and end-of-life issues. She is an author and loving and devoted single mother. She is a woman of faith who lives her life with passion and purpose.

Sharon has been faced with challenges throughout her life. However, she has embraced them and found the blessing in each one which has empowered her.

From the age of three to twelve, Sharon was sexually abused by her grandfather. He told her, “If you tell anyone, I’ll kill your Mommy.”

As she was being sexually abused her spirit lifted out of her body, and an spirit guide/angel took her to special places – the park, her playroom to play with her dolls, to swing high on the swing set and look up to the heavens. From this experience, Sharon found the blessing of a deep spiritual connection to God/Infinite Spirit and her spirit guide/angel. 

In 1984, Sharon was diagnosed with anorexia and severe depression. She attempted suicide, caused from unexpressed emotions, mental and physical abuse from a previous boyfriend, her second husband, and her grandfather’s sexual abuse. She had low self-esteem and believed the only way to end her suffering was to kill herself. As she placed a razor on her wrist Sharon said her final prayer. “God, please forgive me for what I’m about to do. If there’s anything I need to know before I kill myself, let me know now.”

The Light of God surrounded her, and she felt an immense love and peace. She heard, "My Child, it's not your time to die. Get yourself into the hospital, and when you get out, you'll become a healer, teach around the world and write books.” 

This was Sharon’s first near-death experience. 

Sharon was hospitalized for anorexia and depression for three months. The blessing of this experience is she learned to love herself, her inner child, gained self-esteem and learned to forgive the unforgivable, through techniques to heal her body-mind-spirit. What she learned allowed her to assist other people worldwide in their healing process. 

Sharon's life is about service. In early 1986, she began volunteering in the Los Angeles AIDS community, teaching mind-body-spirit modalities. In 1986, her life changed forever when she saw her ex-husband, Bill, on a Dan Rather's AIDS Special titled AIDS Hit Home. He announced to the world that he was infected with AIDS and had led a secret-bisexual lifestyle. He also infected his previous wife.  

Sharon tested for HIV, and it came back positive. Bill admitted right before he died that he was infected when he married her in 1983. The blessing was, instead of becoming a victim, Sharon allowed the virus to empower her and lead her on a journey to teach worldwide and volunteer in numerous AIDS communities. 

Sharon was the first heterosexual woman in Southern California to go public with being HIV positive. She started the first women’s HIV/AIDS support group, and also helped to create, interview staff members, and set up the first women and children’s HIV/AIDS clinic in Los Angeles. She became an advocate for women and children who were infected, as she was on the Board of Directors for various organizations, and community programs. She helped break the stigma around HIV/AIDS globally. People, especially the media, wanted to treat her differently because of how she became infected. However, Sharon’s motto is, "It doesn't matter how any man, woman, or a child becomes infected; we all deserve the same compassion, love, and understanding. Equality for all.”

In 1992 Sharon was one of four women to testify at the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) AIDS Surveillance Hearing Conference to expand the definition of HIV/AIDS to include women’s symptoms. Also in 1992, she was one of fifty-three women infected throughout the world to start a women’s organization, (ICW) International Community of Women Living with HIV/AIDS. Today ICW members live in one-hundred-twenty countries on five continents. In 1995, she accepted an invitation from President Bill Clinton to speak at the White House. 

As an author, keynote speaker, and workshop leader, Sharon has presented throughout the United States and internationally in Canada, Russia, Great Britain, Europe, and Japan. She was instrumental in promoting global changes for women and children living with HIV/AIDS. She has been interviewed on such shows as Eye on America, CNN, 48 Hours, and The Oprah Winfrey Show. She has been featured in countless magazines, including The Oprah “O” Magazine, Shape, and Women’s Own. 

In 1996 Sharon was hospitalized for nearly two years, due to AIDS complications. She was down to eighty-six pounds and dying. This is where Sharon experienced her second near-death experience. Her spirit lifted out of her body, she immediately felt healed and at peace. Two Spirit Guides show her a review of her life, and in each scene, she heard, “Look at the difference you made in their life.” Then she went through the Tunnel of Light. The Light of God telepathically spoke to her. She heard, “My Child, unlike the time before this time you can stay, or you can return. Before you make your decision, I want to show you one more thing.

Immediately Sharon relived being pregnant with her daughter. Feeling her first kick, giving birth to her daughter, Jeaneen, and hearing her coos. She then relived various things they did together including educating women and children about AIDS. 

Then a spark of Light hit Sharon, and she found herself back in the presence of the love and Light of God. She heard, “My Child, what is your decision?”

Even though Sharon was one with absolute peace, love, joy, and serenity, with God, she said, “I need to return to my daughter.”

Instantly she was back in the hospital bed. For the next hour to hour and half Sharon could see every cell in her body vibrating with light. She knew her life was being healed and restored, cell by cell. 

Sharon heard her life purpose would expand to write books, and to start a book publishing company, Sacred Life Publishers. She was also to bring back the sacredness of life and death and was guided to start a non-profit organization, Sacred Living Sacred Dying, Inc.  

Sharon is the author of Sacred Living Sacred Dying: A Guide to Embracing Life and Death; The Integrated Being: Techniques to Heal Your Mind-Body-Spirit; and There Is More: 18 Near-Death Experiences. She has been Divinely Guided to publish nearly fifty books by other authors.  She is the co-producer of the Award-Winning Documentary Dying to LIVE: NDE.

Sharon knows within her heart and mind that her life has been Divinely Guided throughout all of her endeavors. She finds support and strength through Infinite Spirit/God, being out in nature, volunteering, being of service, and through her beautiful, loving daughter Jeaneen, who she has a deep connection with. 

Sharon Lund lives in Hawaii, on the Island of Maui. She truly is living her life with purpose and passion. 

Website: – Sacred Life Publishers 

Website: – Non-Profit Organization


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