
peace hana school

2022 Enrollment


Peace Hana School was approved by the government of Liberia in September 1998. The school began with a vision to equip poor children from ages 3 to 6 years old with reading and writing skills, as well as several extracurricular courses. Peace Hana then expanded in 2002 to also include elementary education.

Due to the Ebola outbreak in 2015, the school had to be shut down for 6 months. Even after the official end of the outbreak declared by the World Health Organization, the school continues to implement hygiene and safety measures so that the children can continue to attend.

In 2022, fifty new chairs and desks and three laptop computers. Some important maintenance work also occurred: repair of roof and toilets, installation of iron gates, painting walls and fences. Every year the Ministry of Education inspects the school facilities. Thanks to the extensive repairs, in 2022 the school was rated as “perfect.”

In 2024 Peace Hana School received $21,000 to enable the school’s continued management, such as paying teachers’ salaries, facility rental and maintenance, equipment updates, sanitary supplies, and off-campus classes. Many of the students attending Peace Hana are too poor to attend other schools, but because of generous donors from USA and elsewhere, they can continue their education.


  • My son is a student of Peace Hana School who has benefited from the school Agricultural Education Program. During their training, he learned how to plant and grow cassava, watermelon, maize, vegetables, etc... Even at home during breaks, he helps us to grow these crops.

    Emily (Mother of student)

  • I love this school because the Sport scholarship is enabling me to actualize my football dream. I have played and won trophies for the school and I strongly believe that through this career. l will take care of my family in the future.

    Michael (Student)

  • When my father died during the brutal Liberian civil war, my mother was unable to cater to our needs and pay my school fees. I was given a scholarship by the leadership of Peace Hana School System under the sponsorship of the WPWP from 2004-2009.

    Patience (Graduate and current teacher at Peace Hana)