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Sun of mozambique secondary school

2022 Enrollment



The education system in Mozambique has suffered through a shortage of junior high schools since the end of the Civil War in 1992. The school has earned a worthy reputation for offering quality education at a low fee. Each year, scholarships are awarded to high achieving students. The school has a library with over 8,800 books, a government sponsored study abroad program, and has increasingly encouraged students to attend college.

So far, around 800 students have entered national universities. Fifteen graduates went on to medical school and became doctors. Eight graduates studied abroad at Malaysia's Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) with funding from the Mozambique government. Two of them are now employed at Baker Hughes, an affiliate of GE in the United States. In addition, five graduates studied abroad at the G. V. Plekhanov Saint Petersburg State Mining Institute and Technical University, Russia's oldest mineral resources university, and the Moscow State Technological University (STANKIN) with funding from the Russian government.

In 2022, important maintenance work occurred: replacement of classroom ceilings; painting of the school building, library, and school store; installation of iron bars at the school gate and library; installation of new septic tanks for student bathrooms; repair of student bathrooms, parking lot for bicycles, and arbor; construction of school fence; installation of fans in the headmaster’s office and 2 classrooms. In 2024, donations will be going toward a needed warehouse on the school property.


  • I am currently the Health Director of the Morrumbala District in the Province of Zambézia. My life changed a lot thanks to our school, because my parents are peasants and don't work and they didn't have the means for me to go and study at the University. It was thanks to our school. Today I have my own house that I built and a house for my parents.

    Felipe (Graduate)

  • I inspired my younger siblings, two of them also joined Son of Mozambique and managed to get Scholarships in local Universities. Today we have two Engineers and one Teacher in my family. Three of us are currently working and still pursuing our dreams, and all started from the vision of the school. Our lives have changed completely because of the school.

    Paulo (Graduate)

  • On the first day I noticed something different here. Many students have the spirit to study, they like to study and that encourages you to study, because everyone wants to be better. That was the change because I started to study more than before.

    Ana (Student)