Clifton, N.J. — On July 9th, Kodan leaders, pastors, regional chairwomen, our WFWP president, and excited guests participated in the new office opening at Venue 521 on Van Houten Avenue. Energized and inspired by the opening of the Las Vegas office a few days before and now of the New Jersey office, President Angelika Selle claimed she felt God was planting two feet into the Earth for WFWP USA.
"I feel that a new day has dawned," agreed local WFWP Chairwoman Mrs. Dabis. "Having an office shows that, with our unity, we can accomplish anything. This is a huge deal for us and probably bigger in more ways than we can understand, from God's point of view."
In Mrs. Selle's congratulatory speech, she articulated the importance of women accessing their potential as leaders during this "Age of Women." She gave congratulatory remarks but beautifully acknowledged former WFWP leaders to whom, she said, "we are deeply grateful for persevering in the good fight."
Las Vegas, Nev.—Those at the launch of the new WFWP headquarters in Las Vegas said they felt a new source of dignity and service had been delivered to the Las Vegas community through the opening of their new office. "You could feel how proud we are to be woman," said Chairwoman Heidi Iseda, "and how happy we are to have met each other and the WFWP founder. You could see it in our smiles."
During the launch party, Mrs. Iseda showcased her chapter's ongoing projects in Southern California these past six months and asked members to brainstorm how they could reach out to more people and offer more service in the Las Vegas area. This year, they aim to collaborate with organizations like Purple WINGS (Women Inspiring Noble Girls to be Successful) in its effort to provide the "pure love" education program to the city's youth.