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Dear friends,

"Who Moved My Cheese?" by Spencer Johnson, M.D., is one of my favorite books. Why? Because it addresses so well the letter "C," standing for Change, which is undoubtedly upon us during these taxing, painful and unpredictable times, as Covid-19 seems to threaten yet another wave in some countries.

It indeed seems like all of humanity is experiencing that our "security blankets" – the systems of support we are used to and our accustomed lifestyles – are being pulled from beneath our feet. This phenomenon then causes unprecedented new "pandemics" involving social distancing, lockdowns, loneliness and financial anxiety.

Johnson's small book describes so well the various reactions to change when one day a group of mice discover that their cheese is gone. They respond in different ways. Some complain, complain and complain some more. Others go in search of new cheese – and find some! (That's just a general overview of the book. But please read it to find out all that happened to the beleaguered mice. It takes only an hour!)

How can we deal with sudden change and unexpected inner and outer crises? There are many resources available on the internet and on social media, as preachers on YouTube, ordinary individuals on Facebook, spiritual counselors and medical doctors readily share their insights, inspirational messages, special prayers for healing and many other tools that can help to cope with the various crises that individuals and families are facing.

In this issue of the Logic of Love News, our writers also share their insights and tips on how they deal with the changes that are upon us, and which in a way also "force" us to change so we may be able to usher in a better reality for the future for all of us.

 With love,



"Don’t ever give up on your dreams!"


Purple ribbons to honor victims during Domestic Violence Awareness Month