How we live each day

How we live each day.jpg

Editor’s Note: An active supporter of WFWP, Myrna Lapres is also a certified family relationship coach and a Global Friend of WFWP USA. We were inspired by her recent words on gratitude and would like to share them with you all. To receive more of her great content, please visit her website

At this time of year, we are encouraged to remember what we are grateful for.  Whether it is from a post on social media, a sermon on the Sunday before Thanksgiving or around the table before the turkey is carved, we are asked to reflect on what we are thankful for. Having gratitude is a worthy endeavor that I believe shouldn't be reserved for a certain season. For ways to incorporate gratitude into daily life, check out the ideas I shared in a blog post a few years ago:

Today I would like to focus on moving from feeling grateful to doing something to express that gratitude. There are many opportunities that we can take to put our gratitude into action:  thanking the checkout clerk at a local store for her efficient service, calling someone that we know is homebound and not able to have visitors, donating canned goods or volunteering at a local food bank, helping your family make a card or a video to send to grandparents or sending a letter or text to someone to express your appreciation for their presence in your life.

While we cannot control a lot of what happens in the world around us, we do have control over the choices that we make and how we live each day.  I encourage you to be mindful about your interactions and seek ways to express your gratitude to others.


For Greater Peace in 2021


Interview with Myrna Lapres: “Reflections on my time as WFWP Southeast Director"