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Dear wonderful friends,

Greetings in this wonderful fall season — which seems to be sticking around longer than usual here in Maryland, where I live. Temperatures are still warm, allowing us to enjoy the rich colors a while longer. We are grateful!

At the same time, our country is continuing to go through all kinds of pandemics — epidemiological, social, economic, political and even psycho-emotional — as almost every family and individual is facing some sort of challenge. And to add to it all, the national elections occurred on November 3, which highlighted the glaring political divide in our country and caused a lot of stress and concern even beyond our borders.

Regardless of all of the above, we in the Women's Federation for World Peace know without a doubt that much work is still ahead of us to bring hope and healing to our nation.

The articles in this edition are full of encouragement for all of us, reminding us that it pays off when we NEVER GIVE UP!

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And, as each of us is always in need of personal, down-to-earth support in moments when we need it, I would like to share with you this "Motivational Quilt" as I call it, which was sent to me by our Global Women's Peace Network chair in Arizona, Mrs. Glenda Lambert. Sometimes, simple things like going to bed earlier can make a world of difference. Am I right? Please use it daily as a reminder. Maybe put it on your refrigerator or laptop to boost your energy, rebalance yourself, stay hopeful, stress less and have peace in your heart.

This also being the month of THANKSGIVING and GIVING THANKS, let us be grateful for all we DO HAVE and all we already ARE and can build upon, and the beauty that surrounds us in Mother Nature. It is a way for our Creator to say: "I am still here, and I love you!” and "I never change or give up on you!"

Wishing you a month of gratitude and love,


President’s Corner: Giving Thanks to Mother Earth


WFWP USA meets fundraising goal in a short time to assist the Arabic Literacy Project, supporting refugee children in Jordan