President's Corner.png

Dear esteemed friends, readers, and families,

We've almost made it to the end of this eventful and unprecedented year 2020!

There is much to think about, reflect about, and notice in terms of the many changes that have taken place. Some of these have been for the worse, as the pandemic has claimed many dear people's lives and battered the economy and our way of life. But much good has emerged in the midst of it all. For example, many families have come closer together, and our thoughts were redirected toward faith, calling on God, and what truly matters, such as loving relationships, true friends, and caring for one another.

This last issue of the Logic of Love News in 2020 is filled with articles of hope and signs for a better, more peaceful 2021, because WFWP will continue this work of ours!! A more detailed report of all of WFWP USA's accomplishments in 2020 will be listed in the next issue, in January.

We also are filled with hope and even excitement for a better year ahead because of the global RALLIES OF HOPE hosted by the Mother of Peace, our founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon. In four such rallies during the past four months, this great woman peace leader of our time brought together heads of state, religious luminaries, and leaders from all sectors of society from around the world who presented a clear vision, deep insights, and innovative analysis of the times we live in. Like sparks, these rallies and messages ignited the hearts of 370 million people around the globe, inspiring new hope in their lives and changing their mindsets. As Dr. Moon mentioned in her recently published memoir, Mother of Peace: And God Shall Wipe Away Their Tears,

"When our mindset changes from wishing to receive love, to wishing to give love, the world of peace will be at hand." (p. 257)

Wishing you a most blessed holiday season, and, as they say in Germany, have a "guten Rutsch!" which means a "successful slide" into the new year!


Angelika Selle and WFWP USA 


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WFWP USA 2020 Leadership Retreat - Empower, Collaborate, Impact: Toward a Culture of Heart