Meet one of our Global Friends: Chase the Dream


With the launch of the Global Friends initiative in 2019 under the project Global Women’s Peace Network USA, we have featured the partnered organizations on our website and have promoted their social media platforms. 

One of our Global Friends is “Chase the Dream - Culture, Arts & Beauty. As the name suggests, this organization has consistently advocated to promote and preserve African culture, music, arts and tradition. They organize events, exhibitions and workshops to strengthen cultural bonds among African people living in different parts of the world and empower them to be proud of their history and origin.

Every year, Chase the Dream hosts an Evening of Culture, a multicultural event to celebrate cultural diversity, bringing together people of different cultures, races and religions to inspire each other and share a bond of togetherness.

This annual cultural extravaganza is back for 2020 and the Women’s Federation for World Peace USA is one of the event partners. Like previous years, this Evening of Culture will be filled with wonderful people from across the globe enjoying a colorful program of music, dance, fashion shows, award ceremonies and various African cuisines.

It is going to be the 5th Annual Evening of Culture for Chase the Dream but the first as a Global Friend of WFWP USA. In honor of our new partnership, we cordially invite you to join the celebration on Friday, October 2nd, 2020 at the Silver Spring Civic Center in Maryland. The program starts at 6 pm in the evening and ends at midnight.

The event also opens a door for our partners to build connections by providing an opportunity for sponsorships and vendors.

Interested parties can contact the organizers at


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