President’s Corner: “The human soul is stronger than any storm”

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Dear friends and families,

 How are you doing? How are you holding up as social distancing, quarantine, and lockdown entered its sixth week here in the United States?

 We send our love and prayers to all who have lost a loved one, or lost your job and don't know how to take care of your family. Or you have a family member serving in the medical field away from home for many weeks, and miss them so much. I even saw in the news that some have taken their lives as they feel and see no way out of their situation. PLEASE DON'T EVER CONSIDER THAT AS AN OPTION!

 Rather,  KEEP YOUR HOPE ALIVE, maintain your optimism, and find joy in the many small delights of life, for "this too shall pass." Take a moment to hear this little girl's prayer:

Also take a few minutes to listen to these 40 women doctors and nurses in Canada, who, in spite of dire circumstances, decided to come together and sing this song of hope, “Rise Again”, for all of us:

 In that spirit, we hope that this second April edition of our Logic of Love News will give you hope, inspiration, inner peace, and connection to weather these stormy times well. Remember that the human soul is stronger than any storm we might face, as we see in the many heroes and heroines who lead by example all around us. Through their lives, they assure us that "WE TOGETHER WILL OVERCOME" -- and hopefully come out a stronger and better humanity.

 With peace and love,



“And the people stayed home”


From Maine to Guinea-Bissau, with love