Women working together: Join us and become a member today!

These days, there’s nothing easier than getting caught up in the day-by-day news. But we can all take a moment to remember the important things. Recognize and be grateful for the small blessings every day! This will energize and feed the hope in your heart. We will bounce back from the current health emergency.

 When we do, we’ll need to be stronger than before. The same goes for the Women's Federation for World Peace. We haven’t forgotten the mission we promised to fulfill: to create a culture of heart, and to achieve genuine and sustainable peace under God. We are vastly grateful that you chose to stand with us and support this cause in the first place.

 Your membership today will be a tremendous help in keeping our mission strong this year. We won’t stop working to empower women with knowledge, skills, and a supportive community, so they can impact communities with their talents and compassion. Women's unique point of view is needed to heal our society's ills.

 We are following protocol and cooperating with local authorities every step of the way. We are practicing social distancing, working and campaigning from home, and creating a virtual community to share empowering Leadership of the Heart education and education for healthy relationships. Look out for email invitations in the month of April, WFWP's annual membership drive.

 We will continue to inspire, encourage, and empower everyone who is interested, during and beyond this precarious time. Where appropriate, we will shift activities and programs to virtual conversations and webinars. We will continue to fulfill our mission and responsibility to change the culture by touching hearts, creating the Culture of Heart that is so necessary for genuine peace.

 We rely on member support to do what we do. We hope that you will join us in making sure that our mission remains sustainable as we navigate this unknown territory. We believe in keeping the collaboration going – even while engaging in social distancing. We are determined to continue impacting families and communities across the nation.

 Connect to our local WFWP chapters to find a supportive community and take part in creating a Culture of Heart.

 A heartfelt thank you for any support you can give! 


Adjusting to the new normal: WFWP Midwest update


Color my Heart with Peace final results!