President’s Corner: Reflecting the Heart of our Creator

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Dear beloved friends and families,

This month of May has been quite rich and significant in many ways, especially as we look back on the exciting new activities and projects WFWP USA was able to launch and to engage in during this time and in the midst of the current lock-down.

Above and beyond the projects themselves, there seems to be the same spiritual message coming through, which is simply: LIVING FOR THE SAKE OF OTHERS.

In this issue you will find most articles relate to that theme. One such example is the Giving for Good project initiated by our Senior Vice-President, Dr. Sun Jin Moon, who prayerfully conceived this project of reselling clothes and other items to create funds during this time of crisis. The broader vision for this multi-faceted project includes waste-reduction, family engagement, and the opportunity to donate to a charitable cause. WFWP USA officially launched #GivingforGood through social media on May 15th, 2020, and we have already seen an encouraging response from people around the nation.

Living for the sake of others was also the underlying thread permeating the Cornerstone for Happiness Seminar series, which was Facebook live-streamed over the course of four weeks, where this simple philosophy was expounded on as a catalyst for positive change.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon's memoirs “Mother of Peace”, coming out later in May, exemplify this lifestyle of living for the sake of God and others in a most profound way. We are so excited to finally be able to read the personal story behind her amazing accomplishments as a woman leader and Mother of Peace!

Last but not least, during this month of May we here in America honored our mothers on May 10th, celebrated International Family Day on May 15th and will soon commemorate Memorial Day, all of which highlight women and men who have lived for the sake of others, even giving up their lives. And surely that also includes the many heroes of Covid-19 who gave their lives to save others.

Living for the sake of others, even in the face of death, is still the highest and noblest heart and attitude to live by as it upholds the dignity of the human spirit and heart and most of all reflects the heart of our Creator who embraces us all.

In that spirit we wish you a very meaningful Memorial Day weekend, as we continue to practice living for the sake of others with our family and loved ones.



Interview with WFWP USA: What is Mother's heart?


Colorado Interreligious Sharing Series moves online