President's Corner: Seeking answers for lasting change

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Dear friends,

Surrounded still by the global pandemic as well as racial tensions and unrest here in America, we can no longer deny social ills which have been with us for a long time, but which we have often conveniently ignored.

In this issue we feature thought-provoking articles to that effect, for the sake of creating awareness, but also with the clear goal in mind to seek and find positive solutions and outcomes for a better future for us all.

For that to happen, we feel the answers for lasting change lie within. They lie within the lenses we choose to see things with, and the heart of humility we choose to have to appreciate and learn from our differences instead of seeing them as obstacles.

With this in mind, please enjoy this song: Colors of the Wind.

When we truly listen to each other and seek to understand those who are different from us, we can paint with all the colors of the wind, as the song articulates.

Wishing for you to seek out someone of a different color, faith, ethnicity, or even worldview that is opposite from yours, and learn and enrich each other's lives. Give it a try!

Stay safe and healthy!



“Love and Compassion are necessities, not luxuries”


WFWP Montana engages in discussions on self worth and celebrates life