Peace Road 2020: The Reconciliation of All People

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Women’s Federation for World Peace USA is proud to be a co-sponsor of Peace Road 2020, a project that aims to bring diverse people together under the theme of “The Reconciliation of all People.” We are all weary of the conflict, sadness and suffering going on in America right now. Peace Road 2020 addresses this with love, inclusion, understanding, repentance and reconciliation.

Peace Road was created by WFWP Co-Founders Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon and her late husband Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who have spent their lives working to resolve the large, intractable conflicts that plague humanity. The vision behind Peace Road is to realize their long-sought dream of a Global Peace Highway that all families may freely travel by car to every corner of the world, fostering the free cultural, economic and religious exchange, and cooperation of all humanity as one family (read more here).

The focus this year is on reconciliation, particularly addressing the racial injustice in this nation, and key historical sites across the United States have been selected to engage in meaningful dialogue and offer prayers of healing. Local WFWP representatives will be organizing and participating in events between July 28 and August 21, 2020 that honor the peace efforts of Mother Moon. Gatherings will respect social distancing recommendations and people are encouraged to join virtually as many events will be live-streamed on Facebook.

This year, Peace Road begins on July 28th at Point Comfort near Jamestown, Virginia, where the first black slaves were brought to the United States in 1619, and on July 29th at Plymouth Rock in Plymouth, Massachusetts, where the Pilgrims landed in 1620 – the latter in search of religious freedom, the former in chains.

Black, White, Native American, Hispanic, Asian, brothers and sisters of all faith backgrounds will join us to understand our history, the good and the tragic, and how God has always sent anointed men and women of God to lead us out of the darkness into the light. Though we live in perilous times in America and throughout the world, we see hope in the “Mother of Peace” who brought Peace Starts With Me to America. The goal is to seek God's wisdom and loving guidance, so that the current situation of pain and injustice can be addressed by all Americans as brothers and sisters.

Look out for exciting updates and reports on Peace Road in upcoming issues of LOL.

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