Help Turn the Tide: Eight Week National Prayer Call

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“History is Calling for Reconciliation, Compassion, Love, Service and Sacrifice. Today’s problems cannot be solved by the logic of power. Today’s problems can only be solved by the Logic of Love.”- Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon

In the months of June and July, WFWP USA hosted a Weekly National Prayer Call on Saturdays at 1 PM EST under the headline “Help Turn the Tide” in an effort to come together from around the nation and pray for healing and reconciliation. It was initiated by WFWP women of all races in response to the murder of George Floyd, turning their attention to God, our Creator, in the spirit and heart of repentance, forgiveness and reconciliation, and the hope to bringing healing and solutions to a hurting nation.

Participants also shared brief reflections based on selected readings, excerpts from Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon’s speeches and also her recently published memoir: “Mother of Peace: And God Shall Wipe Away All Tears from Their Eyes.

Over the course of eight weeks, this National Prayer Call inspired many with profound prayers, deep insights about themselves and their important role of women and mothers as peacemakers and leaders of the heart. The call always attracted around 30, sometimes up to 40 women and also men! 

The last prayer call was especially powerful and meaningful, and we therefore shared two of the prayers below. 

Many requested to keep this national weekly prayer going, and we will most likely pick it back up after the conclusion of the PEACE ROAD tour, which started on July 28 and ends on August 21. WFWP USA is co-sponsoring the tour and in many ways, we hope it will be a manifestation of our prayers! (See article and schedule on Peace Road.)

Stay tuned, and thanks to all who participated in these eight weeks!

Two prayers at the final prayer call
The first is the inspirational Lord’s Prayer written by Jewish rabbis, and presented by Mrs. Sarah Nishioka, chairwoman of WFWP Seattle, WA. The second prayer was written and shared  by WFWP Southeast Director Myrna Lapres, expressing a heart of repentance, self change, reconciliation and healing.

The Aramaic Lord's Prayer

(translations by Neil Douglas-Klotz) 

O Birther! Father-Mother of the cosmos, you create all that moves in light.
Focus your light within us, make it useful: as the rays of a beacon show the way.
Unite our "I can" to yours, so that we walk as Kings and Queens with your creation.
Create in us a divine cooperation — from many selves, to one voice, one action.
Thank you for granting what we need each day with insight and sustenance.
Untie the tangled threads of mistakes that bind us, as we release others from the entanglement of past
Let us not sway from our true purpose. Let us walk in your path with joy.
From you is born all ruling will, power and love, the song that beautifies and renews all from age to age.

Myrna Lapres’ prayer:

Most beloved Father and Mother God,

We close this precious gathering representing mothers, wives, brothers & sisters, sons & daughters and friends across the nation and world. With gratitude for our lives, we pray together, for each other and for all those in pain and struggling to know the preciousness of their own lives. We know that we are meant to live in connection to each other, learning to care for and love beyond our perceived differences and realize that we are one family under You.

It has been said that we cannot hate close up. Help us to move in to discover the uniqueness of those around us. Give us courage to face the pain and woundedness within and in others. Thank you for the example of Mother Moon, not only her words but her actions—leading us to service, forgive and love.

We know that’s the way to find peace within ourselves in our world. We cannot do this without including you, Heavenly Parent, so that we can truly realize and see each other as brothers and sisters as part of your family.

This is the time to be humble but bold, to realize our unique and precious value, to repent, forgive, connect and love in order to realize your dream, Heavenly Father.

In all our names and your precious name we pray, Amen and Aju.

All of the prayer calls were recorded and are available to listen to, reflect and pray, by clicking on the links below:


Peace Road 2020: Native American, African American and White women stand together at Plymouth Rock


Ending Racism Starts with Me: WFWP Georgia participates in a timely discussion