Peace Road 2020 tour: Kick-off week highlights
Pastor Levy and Claire Daugherty in Jamestown, Virginia
The Peace Road 2020 national tour has officially begun, and as one of the co-sponsors, WFWP USA is honored to lend the voice of women leaders, young and old, to the inspiring events that are happening across the country under the banner of “The Reconciliation of All People” (read introductory report here.)
Over the coming weeks, we will collect reports of Peace Road tour stops that WFWP contributed to, as well as various tributary events, some of which were initiated or organized entirely by WFWP. Included in this article are snapshots of WFWP members’ experiences in the first few days of Peace Road, as well as a link to a list of all the upcoming events - please keep participants in your prayers as they visit historic sites and offer words of healing and hope to a nation that is suffering and divided. You can also follow along the journey on the Peace Road USA Facebook page and watch the live streams.
The first tributary event took place on Sunday, July 26th, a few days before the official Peace Road kick-off. WFWP Maryland representative Andrea Rissanen supported this event in Baltimore. More than 30 people, including representatives of different races, religions and organizations, were gathered outdoors at a sacred ground to pray for peace and reconciliation.
Baltimore, Maryland
“It was brutally hot in the sun but we all kept praying,” said Andrea. People were moved by the powerful atmosphere and forgot about the external challenges.
Towards the end, several participants shared what was on their hearts. Andrea offered a quote from Frederick Douglass: "I prayed for 20 years but received no answer until I prayed with my legs." She encouraged everyone by saying that we as well have to use our legs to bring change.
The iced tea and water that Andrea gave out at the conclusion of the program was much appreciated by all who attended. Some were also interested to learn more about WFWP and our activities.
Then on July 28th, the first national Peace Road event took place in historic Jamestown, Virginia, the site of the first permanent English settlement in America in 1607, and in nearby Old Point Comfort in Hampton, Virginia, where the first Africans landed in North America in 1619, not as free men but tragically enslaved, marking the start of 400 years of painful history.
Around 30 people gathered at these historic locations to offer sincere prayers and heartfelt words of repentance. Claire Daugherty, representing WFWP Norfolk, read a very moving letter of repentance on behalf of her white ancestors, some of whom had been slave owners, to her African American husband, who stood at her side.
In another powerful segment of the program, a young white pastor and an older African American pastor bowed to each other and shed tears as they prayed together.
Natascha Phillips (in the red hat, center) standing together with women leaders in Jamestown, Virginia
Bringing in the mother’s voice of reconciliation, WFWP representative Natascha Phillips read a statement on behalf of WFWP USA President Angelika Selle, as women leaders of different races and ages stood at her side.
She honored all the women, mothers and daughters who came over to this land against their will and endured unbearable heartbreak: “We cannot really imagine what mothers must have felt like when their children disappeared in Africa and they never saw them again, and also when they were taken from them after they arrived on these shores.”
Following the example of WFWP Founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, she expressed the desire of all women to live by the logic of love, and commit to “love, uplift, nurture and educate all people as children of the Divine God who indeed are all precious and equal in His sight, until a community of love and peace is established here in America.”
Natascha concluded the statement by asking everyone to join her in observing a moment of silence for all those who had lost their lives in this ongoing struggle for peace and justice (read the complete statement here).
The next day, on July 29th, the national Peace Road tour officially launched in the northeast region in Plymouth, Massachusetts, commemorating 400 years since the Mayflower Pilgrims disembarked and established a colony there in December 1620. A vital part of this history, not to be forgotten, was the tragic experience of the Native Americans at this time.
Representing the indigenous peoples of this land, WFWP member Dottie Chicquelo spoke passionately and from the heart, addressing a challenging past that must be embraced and learned from: “I believe that wrestling with acknowledging and repenting for our history should be a crucial first step toward building a better future for each one of us, our children, and bring lasting peace.”
She also called on women as the peacemakers, following Mother Moon’s example: “The Mother of Peace continues to remind us of our charge. And we know how to ensure we are working to address root causes, of whatever it may be. We as women do it every day, in our homes, our organizations, and again in the streets. We want change; we want lasting peace.” (You can read her entire message here.) Key women leaders, including WFWP USA Senior Vice President Rev. Juanita Pierre-Louis and Vice President Katarina Connery, were also present at this event.
Barrytown, New York
While this historic event was going on, another group of people gathered in Barrytown, New York for a tributary event. It was organized by Dorothy Hill and Charlotte Kiluba, co-chairwomen of WFWP Upstate New York chapter, and 15 people came together to sing, pray and read some excerpts of Mother Moon’s memoir, “Mother of Peace.”
“Many shared their hearts about bringing true peace and healing in our lives, in our country and in our world,” explained Dorothy, adding that it was great to see each other in person again (while observing social distancing guidelines).
These are just a few highlights of the incredible experiences of the past few days, and we are excited for all that is still to come over the next weeks! Stay tuned for more reports and feel free to check out this document for a schedule of all the Peace Road 2020 tour stops as well as the map below.