Happy National Grandparents Day!
A group of volunteers with school supplies
“Why does one need grandparents? We need grandparents because they represent the living history of the past. The parents represent the present and the children symbolize the future. Children contain east and west and also north and south. They are also the center of the whole. The center of the grandparents, the center of the parents, the center of the children and the center of God – all these are founded on true love. Thus, loving your grandparents and respecting them means to learn and to inherit all the past.” - Rev. Sun Myung Moon
When the pandemic first began to take hold early this year, surely most parents, aunts and uncles, and grandparents were not expecting to step in as teachers to the children in their care. Yet here we are, still navigating how to continue to provide quality education, while also navigating learning virtually or while practicing social distancing. As Sunday, September 13th was National Grandparents Day, WFWP USA would like to take a moment to thank and salute the many grandparents (and surrogate grandparents) who have stepped in to support their families, as babysitters, teachers, moral support, and much more.
As a fitting celebration of Grandparents Day, WFWP Paterson joined with the Grandparent Relatives Care Senior Community Resource Center, a local non-profit organization, at their annual give back event in Eastside Park. Over several weeks, the chapter gradually collected many donations of school supplies and backpacks. With her car filled to the brim with school supplies as well as many items bought and collected by Elizabeth Yamada, WFWP Chairwoman Claire Haider brought them to the park on the event day, Friday, September 11th, 2020.
Throughout the day, hundreds of items were distributed to families in need of the additional support. Grandparent Relatives Care SCRC serves over 1000 families in Paterson. With so much uncertainty still out there, we hope this support will also give the message that there are still many who are doing what they can to help and serve.
A huge thank you to all those who donated items!