President’s Corner: Peace Starts With Me - From Global to Local and Vice Versa

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Dear friends,

Greetings in this first week of fall!

Would you agree that the world is moving into a whole new direction? As Covid-19 has brought great devastation and unprecedented challenges to all of humanity, it has also brought out in many their connection to our Creator and stimulated their hearts to reach out and serve others beyond differences and overcome fear with love and hope.

Such became evident in this month's hemispheric launch of the International Association of First Ladies for Peace (IAFLP), a project of the Universal Peace Federation in collaboration with the Women's Federation for World Peace! The launch was part of a three-day International Leadership Conference, held virtually with participants from around the globe (see

At the IAFLP launch, a half-dozen prominent women leaders, among them three wives of former heads of state from Central and South American nations, shared their hearts and vision on the topic of "Women's Leadership in Times of Global Crisis." Their inspiring insights moved and enlightened the worldwide audience. The highlight of the session was the keynote address of Dr. Sun Jin Moon, the Senior Vice President of WFWP International, and daughter of our founder, Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who eloquently laid out the vision of the important role of women's leadership based on a "new" understanding of womanhood. (Listen to her speech). Her words were very well received -- and also deeply resonated with men!

Please enjoy the article on this historic event as well as the reports on the Peace Road project, where women effected changes of the heart. Please also learn about the three wonderful organizations among which we split the $10,000 WFWP grant that was promised to assist the disproportionately suffering black community, including women and girls, due to Covid-19.

What I see happening today is truly that national, racial and intergenerational borders are being erased and walls are falling or being transcended one bit at a time. I see new connections being made between local and global-level leadership like never before. Why? Because it is the only way not only to survive our current situation but to devise new vision and strategies and seek opportunities as we create a better future from lessons learned -- all starting from you and me!

Not to forget, our prayers continue to go to all on the West Coast -- for the fires to cease!

Be healthy and be safe and enjoy the coming fall season!

Yours truly,



President's Corner


Peace Road 2020: Repentance and Reconciliation in the West Coast Region