Heal the Earth

Wondering what you can do to care for our beautiful, God-given Earth? Gregg Jones from the Hyo Jeong International Federation for the Unity of the Sciences (HJIFUS) shared with WFWP members about the role people of conscience play in the restoration of the environment. It was an evening with wonderful insights and interactions, learning about particular environmental issues, the education and service projects HJIFUS has spear-headed, and what individuals are doing now in their own neighborhoods.

 It was wonderful to hear about the HJIFUS conferences, which are bringing together conventional scientists and “new paradigm” quantum scientists to discover solutions from a perspective of serving others. Mr. Jones also shared about “Hyo Jeong Planet Solutions,” service projects with youth, to educate a new generation about the part they can play as stewards of Creation.

“Due to the separation of human beings from God...everything we touch has become dysfunctional: our social relationships, science and technology, even our relationship with the natural world.” -Gregg Jones

Mr. Jones gave a hopeful and exciting message that we can fix our relationship with nature with sincere efforts, cooperation, and the right mindset. He reminded attendees of the Bible verse Romans 8:22 “We know that the whole creation has been groaning in travail together until now…” All of the diverse creations of God are waiting for our awakening and our stewardship. He also quoted WFWP founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon who says, “If we had followed the direction God established at Creation, the principle of giving and receiving, no pollution would have developed.”

“The answers to problems of the environment have already been provided to humanity, we just have to take responsibility.” -Gregg Jones

The love and awe Mr. Jones feels for the natural world were apparent, as he laid out exactly what the current issues are. He also was able to marry the perspectives of brand-new science discoveries and spirituality, to lay out workable plans for addressing issues such as pollution and biodiversity. Webinar attendees were excited to learn how the attention to inner realities they apply to bringing peace to families and communities, is vital to healing the Earth as well. Women of peace are truly eager to sustain a beautiful and healthy environment where their communities can thrive! 

 Comments from participants: 

“Spreading these principles can bring better awareness and hope.”

 “Wow, this topic attracted so many WFWP friends. So glad to see many of my own friends. Love it!”

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Peace Begins by Being Presents