Forgiveness for Heart Health

“Forgiveness is above all a personal choice, a decision of the heart to go against the natural instinct to pay back evil with evil” Pope John Paul II

Editor’s Note: Shared with permission from Mile High Natural Awakenings March 2021 Issue

One way to promote a healthy heart is to heal the feelings we harbor within our heart, such as grief, anger, frustration, and resentment. In the process of letting go of our baggage is the willingness to forgive. This keyword is about choice and a direct path to empowerment.

Well, that all sounds so easy, to just say “I will forgive.” But doing it is another story. It is a conscious choice and an action which gets results. Just wishing or hoping for results doesn’t usually work in this regard. Instead, try the following:

  • Make a decision to focus your attention, and feel in your heart, what you want as an outcome. It makes it easier to override what the ego holds onto.

  • Decide that you are no longer going to suffer from the boomerang effects of unforgiveness.

  • Be clear that your only outcome is for peace and not to change or punish the other person.

  • Be willing to see the person who hurt you as a lesson, an opportunity to learn. Be grateful for this opportunity to make the change that is needed.

  • In the process of forgiving another, you forgive yourself. This is often the hardest thing to do—to forgive ourselves.

  • Remember, as you forgive, you are not condoning or agreeing with the other person or their actions.

  • We begin to practice and find value in offering blessings to another.

What we need to forgive in others, often, is something in ourselves that is hidden from our awareness. Being humble enough to see this is a wonderful beginning to peace and empowerment. Whatever we hold onto, holds us back from being our Divine Self. Allow Peace to be your goal—it’s not your task to change another person, just yourself.

Contact Laurie D. Wheeler of WellnessWithin at 505-772-0970. She is a 25-year transformational holistic practitioner restoring the whole person through holistic medicine and DreamVision work.


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