How WFWP USA has been Impacting: A Reflection on Building Confidence and Realizing Dreams

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As we just celebrated the 29th Anniversary of the Women's Federation for World Peace (WFWP), I am reminded of all I have gained as a result of being a part of WFWP.

My name is Kiyomi, and I have been involved with WFWP USA for the past six years. Early on in my involvement, I recall reading the WFWP USA vision and mission statement and wondered, how is WFWP tangibly achieving these grand and lofty goals, such as establishing a culture of heart, a supportive community, or lasting peace? But as I sit here many years later, I want to confirm that, yes, these changes are happening, and I have seen the impact WFWP has had in all of these areas and more. 

Focusing on the mission statement, what we do is empower women with knowledge, skills, and supportive community, to discover our own unique value, so that we can in turn contribute to lasting peace. 

In terms of leadership skills, one of the main things I have personally learned through WFWP is the importance of believing in yourself to build something from nothing. And that starts with committing yourself to something worthwhile, and putting in the effort to make it happen.

We all have thoughts and dreams of something we would love to do. But once reality hits, our fears and excuses often get in the way. Thinking about what projects or career I should invest into, I often found myself thinking ‘someone else would be better at that’ or ‘I don’t have enough experience,’ or ‘I didn’t go to school for that.’ 

Over time, I have come to learn that I don’t have to be the expert to commit myself and initiate something worthwhile. As a small example, WFWP USA needed to build a new website from scratch. I had zero experience start to finish, from design, coding, and web layout. I committed myself to learn and do my best, and now many people can benefit from the website that was created.

This mentality has impacted all other areas of my life. I developed the confidence to start my own eco-friendly business, grow a successful backyard garden, and I’m initiating fitness projects to inspire people to get moving. 

Seeing many homeless people living in my neighborhood, I felt a pull to do something about it. Instead of waiting for an opportunity to fall in my lap, like I would have before, I formulated a plan, considered my resources, and did something about it. As I traveled quite often, I began to bring home any unused essentials such as shampoo and bars of soap from my trips. Then I would purchase free products online using rebates, such as packs of bamboo toothbrushes. Every few months I would use these and create individual care packages with granola bars, and drop them off along nearby ‘tent communities’. More recently, as I do my spring cleaning, I consider if my clothes or shoes would be of service to others before throwing anything out.

Those who are peace leaders are moved by a worthwhile vision or idea, and find the confidence to do something about it.

What are your dreams? Where is your heart pulling you? What is stopping you from getting started? 

To those with little experience or don’t know where to get started, I would highly encourage to look for a way to get involved and find something to commit to. Maybe you are looking to become a writer, and commit to contributing articles to the Logic of Love News. Or maybe you want to become an event planner, and offer to support your local chapter’s next enriching program. Along the way, you might find your network has expanded, you have gained new skills and experiences, and eventually develop a newfound confidence in yourself.

You definitely have something important to contribute to the world. And you have a supportive community in WFWP to reach that potential. 


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