President's Corner: How about a Spiritual Infusion?

Dear wonderful friends and families,

Greetings in this month of beautiful spring — where there's still even some beautiful snow in some parts of the country!

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However, in the midst of earth's beauty — and we just commemorated Earth Day on April 22 — there is still so much ugliness: violent crime, mass shootings, and political division. Not to mention the many ongoing social and economic ramifications of Covid.

The question is how we can best deal with our ongoing stress and successfully navigate through our daily challenges. I believe that the only option we have lies within each of us — and then how we TOGETHER act and respond to challenges.

In this regard, it is time to turn to our faith traditions and their universal teachings, which unanimously call upon us human beings to exercise what Christianity calls the Fruits of the Holy Spirit, which are: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23).

These in and of themselves are universal values, promoted and endorsed in all religions. If practiced, these principles truly provide a boost that strengthens our spiritual immune system. To paraphrase French philosopher Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, we all are spiritual beings, seeking to be truly human, and we often seem to forget that violence can best be fought and overcome with non-violence. Hate truly can be overcome only with love and kindness, not with more hate. Sadness can be overcome with joy, despair with hope, and so on.

Our Logic of Love News newsletter is designed to provide these elements through our articles and stories, to uplift the reader's spirits and strengthen the vision of goodness that still lies in everyone's heart.

With this in mind, we hope you gain something from this second April edition.

Be safe, stay healthy, and keep a Fruits-of-the-Spirit mind!




The Power of Consistency


Trees by Joyce Kilmer — In Honor of Earth Day