Uplifting the Sacredness of Marriage and Family: Save the Date

Greetings from Women’s Federation for World Peace USA!


We are so very pleased to invite you to an hour of celebration and inspiring messages, all surrounding and uplifting the sacredness of Marriage and Family on June 5, 2021!

As our country is barely hanging on to this precious God-given institution, which is the bedrock and building block of a society—about 40% of all families end up in divorce—we feel that this Peace and Blessing event will be like an injection of hope and new vision!

As a spiritually motivated and socially organized institution for women, our vision and philosophy of Living for the Sake of Others and Living by the Logic of Love, will be highlighted and endorsed beautifully in this upcoming festival. It will have the flavor and expression of the Christian Pentecostal Faith community but bear the essence of our core beliefs on marriage and family, which are universal.

The highlight will be a brief message from WFWP Founder Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon who at this time is seeking to appeal to and revive the TRUE Christian spirit here in America, the spirit of agape love, moral principles and referencing to our Creator in every aspect of our lives, and especially within our marriages and families. It is said that “the family who prays together, will stay together!”

We invite you tune in with Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon, who is also known as the Mother of Peace, and hundreds and thousands of families throughout the United States and beyond, to celebrate marriage and family as a sacred and powerful institution. It is the school of love where joy, happiness and peace can be experienced.

Register today for this virtual event in order to receive event details, updates, and link. Please click on the flyer above. Feel free to invite your friends and family, associates and colleagues to an hour of hope and inspiration.

Looking forward to seeing you in June!

Angelika Selle

President, WFWP USA


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