President’s Corner: Women Leadership—Next Generation—Hope

Dear friends,

Throughout the month of March, WFWP USA was engaged in almost back to back events, all in the context of Women's History Month. During this time we have seen and taken part in an unprecedented number of women’s programs compared to previous years.


Could it be that the time has finally arrived when women and a feminine style of leadership, heart, and creativity will be sought for and appreciated more than in times past, as we truly need new input, creativity, inner wisdom and different approaches to solve our current social ills, divides and crises?

You can find out for yourself if you immerse yourself in this month's issue, and take time to listen to some of the actual program recordings. You may then see what I am talking about, as you find many nuggets of wisdom, new insights, enlightenment, information and a new vision.

Without a doubt, the greatest inspiration came from presentations by the next generation of young women leaders who contributed to various programs as speakers, presenters, and who also gave us their honest and heartfelt feedback and reflections!! There is no question in my mind, that we cannot create peace without them!

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Many participants, women and men alike, who attended the events came away with hope and even joy based on what they saw and heard in terms of substantial ideas, vision and heart!

As we already entered the next month of April, we feel so much hope, enhanced by spring that finally has arrived in many parts of our country.

It's time to breathe in the warmer air, and soak in the color of lovely flowers and blossoms with all our senses, and enjoy the tender greens coming forth on bushes and trees everywhere! 

Sharing with you a photo from my front yard for your enjoyment.

Wishing you a wonderful Happy April 2021!



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