President's Corner: A Mother's Warm Touch

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Dear friends,

As we celebrated Mother's Day last weekend, I could not help but feel that next to God's love, which surrounds us at all times, there is the profound, unconditional love and care that comes from mothers. Mothers hold the key to easing pain and healing wounds of the heart, like none other. Would you not agree?

As our Founder Dr. Hak Ha Jan Moon writes in her Mother of Peace memoir:

When a child complains of a stomach ache, his mother lays him on her lap and rubs his tummy without a single word. Her hands may be gnarled and rough, but in a few moments the child feels better. This may be a simple approach, but it is a practice based on love. We all dimly remember our mother's warm touch. This is the very touch with which I long to embrace all of humankind as a mother of the universe and a Mother of Peace. As we know from our own experience, a mother hears her child's cry very clearly and she has no thought but to quickly run to her child. This is because a mother's love and attention are directed solely towards her children. A mother will walk through a fiery pit without hesitation to save her child.(p.242)

In our recent Interfaith Prayer Circle, on May 1st, Marguerite Felig, WFWP Chairwoman of Montana, confirmed exactly that point. She remembered that when she was a young child, she was tortured by earaches. Every time she felt the pain she would lay her head in her mother's lap and the earache would go away. There are many more such stories of the healing touch of a mother's love.

Mothers, shall we together make ourselves more available to be the healers and comforters of a suffering humanity? No Ph.D. or advanced degree is needed, only a willing heart and hand. Like Mother Moon, let us together embrace all of humanity's children on behalf of our Creator. A Jewish proverb confirms that "God could not be everywhere, so He created mothers"

Let us reach out with our helping hearts and hands, on behalf of our God, by whatever name we call Him, and assist in healing this wounded world!




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