President's Corner: Toward a society and world of Interdependence

Dear friends,

HAPPY 4th of July weekend to all!
We just passed the half mark of this year 2021, and find ourselves already in the second part of the year. It is a good time to pause, reflect and also project where to go from here, what needs adjustment or renewal, and what to keep going with. 

In WFWP USA and North America, the last six months were filled with online Global Women's Peace Network (GWPN) webinars stemming from the theme "Women's Leadership in Reconciliation and Peacemaking." This series was held on state, regional and national levels, and most recently also the international level. Last week, in collaboration with WFWP South Korea, we hosted a forum focused on the peaceful unification of North and South Korea, a relevant international humanitarian and peacekeeping concern, and homeland of our Co-founder. Panelists from South Korea and the US brought forth their innovative perspectives and possible nonpolitical solutions. Throughout this series, it has become even more evident how crucial women's feminine style of leadership and contributions are, in coming up with unconventional and creative ideas and solutions to our local and global issues.

Recently, I realized once again, that a woman's brain is surely wired differently, as for us women EVERYTHING is interconnected and has value, and that one thing affects another. Therefore, we feel that there is a call going out to us at this time in history — to use these qualities to facilitate better communication, to bridge divides, address the pains our families and nation are facing, for healing, and to usher in an era of interdependence, mutual prosperity and universally shared values, which is the vision of the GWPN.

I hope everyone enjoyed this July 4th weekend together with friends, family and loved ones.
Stay safe and healthy and be blessed!


Angelika S.



Healing ourselves before we can heal others: GWPN Speaker Series on “Health and Healing”


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