Encouraging, Uplifting, Radiant!

WFWP members were treated to a wonderful evening of positivity, faith, and music with HerStory Award recipient Joan Myers. Joan shared how she uses her special talents to bring hope and healing to people she meets, through her dual careers as international gospel singer and accounting professional. Every arena, whether artistic, business, or ministry, is an opportunity for Joan to uplift and inspire others to use their gifts for the greater good.

Joan reminded WFWP members of Jesus’s words calling us “the salt of the earth,” and shared one of her favorite Bible verses, Philippians 4:6-7.

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” 

This message, and the love and guidance she received from her family growing up in Jamaica, have infused Joan with a cheerful dedication to leading others on a path to peace. Peace in body, mind, and spirit. She helped members feel they too could put love into action and express true empathy to those around them. She quoted Pastor John Maxwell who said, "If you are a leader, remember everyone needs encouragement.”

The evening ended with a serene sense of being encouraged, too, and ready to take on any challenge or emotion gracefully and beautifully, with a great power and love on our side.

Comments from participants: 

“Beautiful! Thank you so much for this great guidance from the heart!”

“That was very, very uplifting, and so rich in love!”

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Part 2: I Promised My Dad


The Mindful Path – A Radiant Life