PART III: "Ssh-Secrets: The Spiritual World"
Editor’s Note: This article is part three in a series. Click on the links to read Part 1: On the Edge of Death and A Promise Made to God and Part 2: I Promised My Dad.
Come time for the eldest daughter to say her good night. She breaks down, starts sobbing, apologizing for her tears. She protests claiming, "This is so hard to say good night. You are my rock. You've always been my rock. I don't know what I am going to do without you!" Her father holds her close to him with tears joining hers and replies: "I'll always be with you. I'll find a way."
Shortly after his passing, strange supernatural experiences occur. The lights on her lamp by the bed start turning on in the middle of the night waking her up. This happens several nights in a row. Visions, prophetic dreams, even red confetti hearts show up at her feet and other odd places. These appear as she travels.
A sunny bright afternoon, alone in her home with quiet stillness surrounding, she clearly hears her father telling her: "I am going to leave you a long, stem red rose to show you I am here with you." This was an important message because the daughter had to make a difficult decision to write a book about her father. However, at this point in time, it was too premature to write anything. An unexpected, last minute, change to her father’s will was drastically affecting herself and siblings' lives.
Meanwhile, books were being written about her father. One was written while her Dad was dying from a journalist pasting tabloid excerpts together forming his life. This book and others were filled with inaccuracies, mistruth and sensational gossip. One of the daughter's promises was to: " honor and protect his name." She knew her father the longest, 30 years, and spent quality years forming a bond referred to as: "A beautiful love story between a father and daughter." She had to take action and did so with her book: "I Promised My Dad", (Simon & Schuster)
A trip to New York City was planned to start the book's promotional tour. Her first televised interview was on Geraldo. He was notorious as a shark, quick witted journalist. Scandalous gossip had broken out about her father’s last minute change to his will. The daughter lands in New York City with a friend to go on Geraldo in the afternoon. She finds out that the producers of Geraldo were focusing on the private, tumultuous issue surrounding the will. She panicked! This would be "walking into a lion's den with a pea shooter!"
The daughter and her friend are in the hotel room contemplating the best answers for the show. This will be her first appearance and she is not prepared for this topic to go it alone.

It is mid-morning. Suddenly, she hears her father's voice clearly in her mind instructing her to go to a fountain in Central Park. "What fountain?" she questions. "Where is Central Park?" She tells her friend about this instruction. Neither had ever been to Central Park, nonetheless visited a fountain. She must be ready to leave for the Geraldo show that afternoon. What should she do? She looks at her friend and her friend replies: "Let's Go!"
Off they venture into the packed busy streets of New York City. It's alive with vibrancy and an exciting energy fills the air. She walks off in a direction with such confidence, not bothering to ask directions, as if she was a local. They find the park, go up, down, around trees, shrubs, over bridges winding their way to the top of a stairwell. Never getting lost or wavering, she stops at the top, looks down the long staircase. There is a fountain with a statue on top. No one is in sight around the fountain, except for two people sitting on a bench, one person casually soaking in the sun. They're somewhat far off. Couple others walked farther away. Still, strange not one individual is around the fountain. She walks down the staircase with her friend following. As soon as the daughter lands on the bottom concrete floor, there is a long stem red rose at her feet.
She bends down. Picks it up, looking around to see if someone may have dropped it. Again, no one is around the fountain or near the staircase. Her friend nudges her to look up at the fountain. It's the fountain of Michael the Archangel.
The interview with Geraldo was memorable! He never brought up the will issue per my request. Instead, Geraldo showed warmth and affection holding my hand behind his back during the interview with other panel members, assuring me I was in "protective hands." His sensitivity and kindness is appreciated to this day!
If you would like to personally contact the author, she welcomes comments and suggestions and would love to hear from you. She can be reached at: ""
Note from the author: When this story first came out it received a huge, positive response from the public. CBS featured this story on Unsolved Mysteries. It was done for sweeps week. This is the network's biggest marketing week. Powerful story and so honored to share this with all of you.