When God Talks to me

Editor’s Note: This poem was written by WFWP Southeast Regional Coordinator, Osmarina Rush, about a message she feels is from the Creator to her.

You Are Precious

My beloved children, 
Know that I created you like rough diamonds.
You are the most precious of My creation!
I didn't create you already shining, but with all the potential to shine.

Some of your imperfections are derived from birth and others you acquire during your life.
All the countless difficult circumstances that you go through in your lives will make you precious, unique and provide you with the shape and facets that will make you shine

Do you know how long it takes for a diamond to be formed?
Diamonds are formed in billions of years!

Can you imagine how long it took me to create you?
My children, you are more precious than a diamond and it took a long, long time to see you fully formed.

And in that way, the countless situations that you will have to go through in your life, will cut into your character and personality, the facets that will make you brilliant.
And then, when you become one with Me, the source of life and the source of light,
I will provide you with the illumination you need, so that all your facets can capture and reflect My rainbow of colors.

So, do not avoid the opportunities presented to you in your life, they will make all the difference in the quality of persons you will become.


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